Ribbon Cutting and After Hours: St. Charles Episcopal Church 75th Anniversary and New Renovations
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM CDT
Wednesday, October 25
4:30 PM
St. Charles Episcopal Church
994 N. Fifth Avenue
St. Charles 60174
No fee, but registration is encouraged.
Contact Information
Nikki Nelson 630.584.8384
Send Email

Come for the Ribbon Cutting, Stay for the After Hours!
Help us celebrate one of the 2022 Winners of the Community Image Awards during Charlemagne for the new renovations done to their church in honor of their 75th Anniversary.
We will be doing a Ribbon Cutting and an After Hours all wrapped into one for this event!!
There will be live music, delicious homemade food, beverages, and tours.