WBC: Bon Appetit Business Breakfast
Date and Time
Friday Jun 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Friday, June 16th beginning at 8:00 a.m.
$35 for Members
$45 for Non-Members
Contact Information
Nikki Nelson: 630.584.8384
Send Email
Join us for some breakfast and friendly conversation at Brunch Cafe on Friday, June 16th! All are invited to join our business breakfast networking event to share ideas, enjoy some delicious food and fun activities! Raffle Baskets will be available and all raffle proceeds will benefit Fox Valley Food for Health.
FVFH Mission: FFH promotes a nutrition focused community by educating teens and serving those struggling with a health crisis.
FVFH Vision: We strive to keep our community educated, empowered, connected and nourished by providing an environment that is physically, socially, vocationally, intellectually and emotionally nurturing and empowering through nutritious food.