Ophthalmology practice serving all ages & providing for all eyecare needs: medical, surgical, primary eyecare, glasses, contact lenses, sports & specialty eyewear. Forty years in the community.
We are a dynamic healthcare organization created specifically to bring exceptional patient care to you, your family and all residents of Chicago's western suburbs and its surrounding areas.
Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center (VASC) has been the leading provider of outpatient surgical care in the Fox Valley since 1987. VASC provides an effective quality alternative to hospital based surgery, specifically designed to be comfortable and convenient. More than 750 different types of surgical procedures are routinely performed at VASC.
Printed courtesy of www.stcharleschamber.com/ – Contact the St. Charles Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1601 E. Main Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 – (630) 584-8384 – info@stcareachamber.com