Rx Automotive

- 602 Sidwell Ct. Unit I St. Charles IL 60174
- (630) 443-8500
- (630) 443-3080
- Complete auto repair for your car & truck!
Mon.-Fri. 7am to 5pm
Driving Directions:
From the west turn right on Tyler rd, take to Wallace turn left, take to Sidwell ct make left.
From the south turn left on Tyler rd, take to Wallace turn right, take to Sidwell ct make left.
About Us
Complete auto repair for your car or truck. ASE certified mechanics. We offer you honest and affordable auto repair with professional customer service. We are locally owned and operated.
Rep/Contact Info
Rose Santeler
- Phone: (630) 443-8500
- Fax: (630) 443-3080
- Send an Email
- 602 Sidwell Ct. Unit I St. Charles IL 60174