Membership Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 7, 2016
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM CDT
Chamber Boardroom
To help the Chamber increase new membership, develop relationships between existing members and continue to educate members on the many services of the Chamber.
- Utilize the new position of Business Development to develop ideas to increase and retain membership according to the strategic objectives of the Chamber. Promote the Chamber to non-members.
- Mentor all members by making welcome calls and attending the “Getting to Know You-Dutch Lunch Program” or similar gatherings, Ribbon Cuttings, After Hour Mixers, and other Chamber events.
- Organize the annual Membership Breakfast to be held on November 6, 2014 and administer the 2014 Member and Rookie of the Year award.
- Organize, facilitate, greet and check in guests at the Networking Extravaganza events, Speed Networking events, and new member orientations.
- Facilitate activities for “Chamber of Commerce Week” including an Open House and New Member Meet & Greet.
- Grow and strengthen the Membership Committee
- Organize a B2B Networking event.
- Increase Public Relations – newspaper and online articles; organize teams to go out and visit businesses in the Chamber and potential members.